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Media Praise for this Bestseller

"You will love this book! Bert Pluymen combines fascinating facts with intriguing stories."

                                        John Bradshaw
                                        National TV Host & Author

"Riveting and hilarious."

                                        KIRO-TV, NBC

"The perfect wake-up call for a friend who drinks too much."

                                        U.S. AM Radio

"Uplifting, inspiring, enlightening. A 'must' read for people in early recovery, and all who want to stay up-to-date."

                                        CBS Radio
                                        Charlie and Jeff
                                        "The Addiction & Recovery Show"

"Touches the heart while electrifying the mind."

                                        WDIV-TV, NBC

"This book is transformative. I can't begin to tell you how many people have been moved to examine their lives because of it."

                                        Kate Jacobs
                                        WKRC Radio

"While fantasizing about your first million, quit feeling like a buck-thirty-three! Bert Pluymen shows you how."

                                        Business News Network

"This book can save your life and bring back the joy in living."

                                        KSAT-TV, ABC
                                        San Antonio

"One of the best books I've ever read."

                                        Cassandra Moreno
                                        KWHY-TV, Los Angeles

"Much more than a book that shatters some of the most commonly held notions about alcoholism, The Thinking Person's Guide To Sobriety is about living a joyful, passionate, peaceful life."

                                        East Side Weekend

"Plain talk and personal experiences make Bert Pluymen's book a real guide for anyone whose life has been touched by addiction. The section on women is especially good."

                                        Ann W. Richards
                                        Former Governor of Texas

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